Ohio Representatives Introduce Bill to Recognize Toni Morrison’s Birthday

After the passing of literary icon, Toni Morrison, representatives in her native home of Ohio have introduced a bill to create a day in honor of her.

Northeast Ohio State Representatives Joe Miller, (D-Amherst), and Stephanie Howse, (D-Cleveland), introduced the bill to make Morrison’s birthday, February 18th, “Toni Morrison Day” in Ohio, the Cleveland Scene reports. Morrison was born and raised in Lorain, Ohio. Since her passing on August 5 of this year, tributes and memorials have been held in her honor around the world. The bill is headed to the House Rules and Reference Committee and is expected to get a committee assignment soon. 

To read the full story please click here: https://www.becauseofthemwecan.com/blogs/news/ohio-representatives-introduce-bill-to-recognize-toni-morrison-s-birthday

Zach Stepp